The formation in psychoanalysis at the IIP is a living and original space for the transmission of psychoanalysis. We promote a collective experience of theoretical formulation based on the debate between different paradigms


The formation in psychoanalysis at the IIP is a living and original space for the transmission of psychoanalysis, offered to those starting their path, those who have been in this field of practice for a longer time as well as those who have no intention to practice psychoanalysis stricto sensu, but who are interested in finding ways of structuring knowledge from psychoanalysis.

Our approach is based on the practice and teachings of psychoanalysis since Freud, specially in Lacan, where an updated, consistent, multidisciplinary and multi-lingual reading of the text is maintained. We promote a collective experience of theoretical formulation based on the debate between different paradigms as we also grant broad accessibility to groups historically excluded from the psychoanalytic field with a view to elaborate on the path towards a decolonial psychoanalysis.

International psychoanalytic formation

In our formation we propose studies and readings conducted by 10 professors from different nationalities, origins and formation backgrounds. Our purpose encompasses a broad spectrum of action capable of providing a relevant, comprehensive, in-depth psychoanalytic formation as well as operating in research, the social field and publishing. We also accomplish theoretical intersections with other areas of knowledge: human, social and exact sciences and arts.



10 professors from
different nationalities.


Live and recorded classes with simultaneous translation into English, French, Portuguese and Libras (Brazilian sign language, on demand), and classes divided into language groups.


1-year formation, starting September/2024. Classes take place on Fridays and Saturdays.


Classes remain available through the student platform during the whole formation


We consider the formation of the psychoanalyst a process of constant construction and refinement of each one’s manner of sustaining an ethical clinical practice in psychoanalysis. This development demands three axes of experience: personal analysis, theoretical formulation and supervision of clinical cases. The practice of this tripod allows us to claim that the formation of the psychoanalyst is not restricted to their bond to a specific institution. We comprehend that the formation of the psychoanalyst is organized in a variable balance, constantly renewed with what is learnt in personal analysis, text studies and clinical exchanges.


The International Institute of Psychoanalysis (IIP) is an active and diverse network whose scope reaches beyond geographical borders and psychoanalytic schools. We enjoy and are open to contact and partnership with professionals from other trajectories while we work independently of other official organizations. We encourage and build multidisciplinary connections among professionals and institutions over the world.

professors of the IIP's formation

Marcus Coelen



Here, at the IIP the paradox and multiplicity is welcome to give direction to the courses, allied with rigor and impeccable organization. A transcultural, multilingual voyage that opens worlds and perspectives. It's for those who wish to wish, who want to know and want even more. Each class is a (poi)ethical encounter, to cultivate the becoming of a psychoanalyst.

Fabiana Machado, Brazil

I'm Mohamed EL BAGHDADI, living in Casablanca, Morocco, and a student of the first year of the formation in the International Institute of Psychoanalysis. I'm glad to leave my testimony on the psychoanalysis formation of the IIP. It's a magical moment that started 8 months ago in complete serenity, with a multicultural group filled with human treasures. A beautiful energy thanks to the interventions of psychoanalysts and the effective tools that connect many countries, with no loss despite the distance. All this allows me to leave each class with overflowing knowledge. This formation brought me and always brings me many things I haven't finished discovering. Make a good choice as I did, choose the International Institute of Psychoanalysis.

Mohamed EL BAGHDADI, Morocco

Hi! My name is Zaíra, I'm a psychologist joining the IIP formation. I got to know the IIP through a supervisor who is also a professor at the Institute, and I was amazed by the inclusion politics, the quality of the professors and the themes approached in the formation. I've been in other schools and institutes and I can say it's the place where I felt the most welcome and heard. I already feel more well prepared for clinical practice and I recommend it to people who, as me, are looking for a space with quality formation.

Zaíra Rocha, Brazil

A dear friend suggested me the IIP formation and for the last seven months I haven't lost a single episode and I appreciate the cohesion - and I'd like to say fraternity - of this community created between more than three continents (...)

Bernard Contaux, France

Hi! My name is Jamily, I graduated in psychology and fell in love with psychoanalysis during my formation. I was presented to the IIP by Hugo Valente, a professor at the Institute and my supervisor. I love taking part in the Institute and having access to the various themes proposed, to the qualified professors and colleagues from different nationalities and cultures.

Jamily Xaia Perez, Brazil

When I entered the IIP I knew that the formation would be highly professional and with solid ethical values, but I couldn’t imagine its pertinence, its richness and the joy that would cheer me up when listening to all the professors, within their singularity, their humility and their taste for psychoanalysis, communicating us their research and their passion, to sum up: their desire. I learn at each of the courses, I also face difficulties (a formation that flies high), but in general I’m pleased to apprehend a decolonized psychoanalysis, to work, to inform myself, to learn and to unlearn, to relearn and to take the time to digest, while discussing with my formation colleagues. The cultural abundance that emerges is a real source of inspiration. The IIP is a passionate encounter, like meeting a work of art, an artist, a poet, with so many curiosities to discover, to be astonished and marveled. We won't exit the formation the same way we entered, that's for sure. It's a real joy to be able to embrace the opening that this "IIPesque" adventure brings us, and thereby apprehend ourselves differently.

Axelle Trinchero, France

Taking part in the IIP formation has introduced me to a new experience of psychoanalysis. Being among such diverse people and hearing voices that are also heterogeneous, talking about psychoanalysis from their unique trajectories leaves me comfortable to also find space to be diverse and to create my own path throughout psychoanalytic studies and practices. The classes and professors create an environment in which there's space for emptiness and a bit of anxiety that accompanies those who propose to venture into the psychoanalytic (not) knowing, encouraging us but also welcoming us.

Kelly Keity Silva, Brazil

The IIP presents a study space open to the rigorous reading of psychoanalytic text, in which the theoretical and practical contributions of professors, implied in this cause, bring about the crucial and present questions of the clinic. This trajectory interests me a lot, for the advancing of a a thought-provoking production. The formation in psychoanalysis, as one of the fundamental pillars of this praxis, among other activities at the Institute, is articulated by providing interaction with students. A place where classes function as a cause, recalling Freud's words when he refers to "a spark", which causes sparks to light up where we pass, without leaving us indifferent when we approach and take these events as a true experience. The IIP is also on social media. I invite readers to follow and check out this precious income.

Andrea Coelho, Brazil

Gabriel da Luz, Brazil


The IIP is aware of the discussions on accessibility and has been working with the implementation of actions to welcome subjects in their most diverse specificities since its foundation. We sustain permanent efforts to promote a transmission of psychoanalysis which takes into consideration specific manifestations of communication. All our events are translated into Libras (Brazilian sign language). We are also very attentive to the inclusion of people with any level of visual impairment, investing on research and provision of audio description of all our contents. 

Our scholarship program and our accessibility strategies are also based on acknowledgement of sexual orientation, gender identity, social and ethnical backgrounds as well as financial fragilities. We welcome subjective singularity and diverse forms of narrative.


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2) An interview will be scheduled with the IIP team

3) After the interview the subscription will be concluded


US Dollars

12 x $ 150,00

Brazillian Reais

12 x R$ 780,00 


12 x €135,00 

Payment methods

PayPal (credit card)

International transfer

See our discount conditions

Full payment (1 year): 20% off

Payment in 2 installments (every semester): 15% off

Payment in 4 installments (every trimester): 10% off

On our scholarship program

The IIP offers scholarships for specific situations, aiming to reach a broader transmission of psychoanalysis.

People from all nationalities can apply for a scholarship.

We reserve a portion of our scholarships for candidates with special motor, sensory or multiple needs.

Specific information for subscriptions in Brazil:

We reserve part of our scholarships to Brazilian candidates through a dual-quota system: a portion is intended for public school students regardless of ethnic-racial origin, and  the other is intended for students who identify as black, brown or indigenous.


Contact us:


WhatsApp: +55 35 997305281



© 2022 Instituto Internacional de Psicanálise. All Rights Reserved. IIP


History of psychoanalysis


What could be a renewed historical reading of psychoanalysis through its institutional movements, the evolution of its theoretical framework, its conceptual apparatus, its practice, its presence in the city?

We will try to answer this question in this new course based on a bet: we must think about and question the history of psychoanalysis so that it does not close itself off in its past and its dogmas.

The 4 fundamental concepts


In his famous Seminar 11, Jacques Lacan proposes an unprecedented redefinition of four concepts that he will qualify as fundamental to psychoanalysis: the unconscious, repetition, transference, and drive. In this new course, we propose to study these four concepts, revisit their history, consider the connections that unite them, and examine their relevance to contemporary psychoanalytic practice.

Freud, from his texts


Sigmund Freud is primarily a doctor and researcher specialized in brain anatomy and the nervous system. It is through articles that he will give to hear, from this starting point, the path he draws and which leads to the invention of psychoanalysis. This course offers an immersion in a part of this Freudian adventure. Professors will each seize an article by Freud and will visit it, question it, extract the guidelines, say how this text feeds the clinic, a research in the process of being done, but also say the limits, the errors that mark out, perhaps, the Freudian text

The opening of Lacan's twenty first seminars

(40h of recorded classes + 10h of discussion)

For several decades Jacques Lacan will provide a teaching especially during his Seminar. He will say repeatedly: he does not seek to transmit a knowledge. His seminar is a space for a psychoanalyst to say, in the position of an analysand.

Lacan closes his text “Psychoanalysis and its teaching” with the following words: “A return to Freud, which provides the material for a teaching worthy of the name, can only be produced by the pathway by which the most hidden truth manifests itself in the revolutions of culture. This pathway is the only training that I can claim to transmit to those who follow me. It is called: a style.”

Teaching: insignis in Latin; what is marked with a sign.

What sign and what style is this Seminar about?

To explore these questions, we propose to study rigorously during this year, at each month the first sentence(s) of a seminar. We will start with the first and continue like this, chronologically, until the 10th (for the 1st year) and from the 11th to the 20th (for the 2nd year). This proposal will certainly be the opportunity to trace a possible path within this teaching.

Decolonizing psychoanalysis


Would it be to provide a place for voices that were silenced by the history of the psychoanalytic institutions? Or the fact of constructing a critical thinking related to certains postures and theories resulting from the Freudian discovery and its effects? No doubt… We believe this necessary movement can be made through a singular clinical, political and theoretical practice. In this course three psychoanalysts, from three different continents, will provide insights, from different questions, for a possible incarnation of this decolonization.

Course on the psychic structures


What is really at stake when thinking about clinical structures in the 21st century? Mônica Godoy and Fabrice Bourlez will delve into the concepts of neurosis, psychosis, and perversion in light of intriguing theoretical and clinical perspectives. The idea is to weave together theory and practice, along with the students, advancing the ethical understanding of a psychoanalytic direction of the treatment.

Construction of clinical case


The construction of clinical case is a practice that is at the very heart of the history of Freudian discovery. This course is therefore part of this long tradition inseparable from the ethics of psychoanalysis. In this course, each month, one of the professors of the IIP will present in a narrow way a clinical situation resulting from his own analytic practice. It will be for him/her to show and demonstrate the possible construction of the case and extract from it his/hers own invention, between the structure and the singularity. Ample space will be reserved for discussion and debate following this clinical presentation.

Time to listen


A two-hour session at the end of each month to collect questions and comments regarding the content of the courses and the formation in general. In this space the word will be listened to in the singularity of each one, as from the ethics of psychoanalysis. These monthly meetings are open to the contingency of requests from whoever wishes to do so.

About cartels


Presentation of what a cartel is and how it is organized within the IIP. The cartel is a research space in psychoanalysis engendered in an analytic community, proposed by Lacan as one of the elements that composes the School and its principles.

Professors: Alexandra Cavalheiro(Brasil), Andréa Coelho (Brasil) e Marina Godoy (Brasil)



Free Podium is a virtual space dedicated to the IIP students where they can join the senior students and Members to freely discuss the theme of the recorded class of the week (The opening of Lacan’s seminars 1 to 10, Freud, from his texts, Course on psychic structures, and Decolonizing psychoanalysis). The format will be open, allowing everyone to bring their own contribution: text, conversation, presentation of a poem, dance, music, etc.

Judith Butler

Judith Butler is Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School at the University of California at Berkeley where she has taught courses in feminist and queer theory, ethics, literature, psychoanalysis, and social and political philosophy. They earned their degrees in Philosophy from Yale University.  They are the author of several books and have received numerous awards, including 14 honorary degrees. They have also worked in the field of human rights and currently serve as co-director of the Board of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs.

Thamy Ayouch

University professor – Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot.

Visiting Foreign Professor at USP (Universidade de São Paulo).

Psychoanalyst, clinical psychologist/

PhD in “Recherches en psychanalyse”.

Former student in the Ecole Normale supérieure de Fontenay/Saint-Cloud.

Director of the journal Recherches en psychanalyse / Research in psychoanalysis 

Dany Nobus

Dany Nobus is a psychoanalyst and a Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology at Brunel University London, Founding Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council, and former Chair and Fellow of the Freud Museum London. He has published on the history, theory and practice of psychoanalysis, the dialogues between psychoanalysis, philosophy and the arts, and the history of ideas, with special reference to the Renaissance and Early Modern periods.

Benoît Le Bouteiller

Benoît Le Bouteiller, psychoanalyst, director of the International Institute of Psychoanalysis, publisher and professor in post-graduation in psychoanalysis program at Unis University – MG, Brasil.
Member of the Fondation Européenne pour la Psychanalyse. Member of the Korean Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Linguistic Society, European Anthropological Association and of the Société Française de Philosophie.

Fabrice Bourlez

Fabrice Bourlez is a psychoanalyst. PhD in philosophy, he teaches at the Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims  and at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques Sciences-Po Paris. He is also co-holder of the chair Troubles, dissidences et esthétiques at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. 

He is a professor at the IIP since its creation. His publications include Pulsions Pasoliniennes (Presses du Réel/Franciscopolis, 2015) and Queer Psychanalyse (Hermann, 2018. Translations: Spanish 2020, Italian 2022).

Patricia Gherovici

Patricia Gherovici, Ph.D. is a recipient of the 2020 Sigourney Award. ​Her books include The Puerto Rican Syndrome (Gradiva Award and Boyer Prize) Please Select Your Gender: From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism and Transgender Psychoanalysis: A Lacanian Perspective on Sexual Difference and most recently (with Chris Christian) Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class, and the Unconscious (Gradiva Award and the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize). Psychoanalysis, Gender and Sexualities: From Feminism to Trans* (with Manya Steinkoler) is forthcoming in 2022. 

Mônica Godoy

Mônica Godoy, psychologist, psychoanalyst and environmental analyst, master in Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais by UFMG (Minas Gerais/Brazil). Specialist in solid residues, with 30 years of clinical experience and a pilgrim on a transdisciplinary journey of listening with every pore.

Jamieson Webster

Jamieson Webster is a psychoanalyst in New York; faculty at The New School for Social Research; author of Conversion Disorder (Columbia, 2018); member of IPTAR and Das Unbehagen.

Jalil Bennani

Jalil Bennani is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Rabat (Morocco). Author of many works, especially these: Le corps suspect (Galilée, 1980), Psychanalyse en terre d’islam (2018), Un psy dans la cité (prize Grand Atlas 2013), Un si long chemin – Paroles de réfugiés au Maroc, (2016), Des djinns à la psychanalyse, nouvelle approche des pratiques traditionnelles et contemporaines (2022). Associate researcher at the CRPMS of the University of Paris, is also a full researcher at the Habilitation à diriger les recherches (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis). Received, in 2002, the prize “Prix Sigmund Freud de la ville de Vienne” for the whole of his work.

Joseph Rouzel

Joseph Rouzel (FR) worked for many years as an educator specializing in various audiences. He’s a psychoanalyst and a poet. He holds a degree in ethnology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Joseph Rouzel runs the “institut européen psychanalyse et travail social” (Psychasoc). He was at the origin of the association “Psychanalyse sans frointière” (PSF) and of the association l’@psychanalyse. He’s a member of the French poetry society.

Laurie Laufer

She is a professor at Paris Cité University and director of the  Centre de recherche psychanalyse, médecine et société (CRPMS). She is known as the author of Murmures de l’art à la psychanalyse (Hermann, 2021) and Vers une psychanalyse émancipée (Broché, 2022)

Nicolas Tajan

Nicolas Tajan is a psychoanalyst and  an associate professor at the graduate school of Human and Environmental studies at  Kyoto University, Japan. He is a member of Le Pari de Lacan and the President of International Mental Health Professionals Japan. His last book entitled “Mental Health and Social Withdrawal in Contemporary Japan” 

Hugo Valente

Psychologist and master in psychology at Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (UFSJ). He was a researcher at the Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Psicanálise at UFSJ, worked as psychology professor in the Centro Universitário Unifaminas. Currently a professor in the Pós-graduação in psychoanalysis in the Performance Rede de Ensino. Member of the pedagogical crew of the IIP formation. Member of the study group in psychoanalysis Travessia – Muriaé. Performs clinical care and supervision. His studies focus on politics, psychopathology and epistemology. Psychoanalyst in continuous deformation.

Ceren Korulsan

Ceren Korulsan is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Istanbul, Turkey. Member of the IF- EPFCL as well as founding member of the Association de Psychanalyse en Recherche in Istanbul, she currently teaches at Bahçeşehir university in the master’s  department in Psychology. Translator of Antonio Quinet’s book La cité et ses maîtres fous. Co-author of the book entitled “Lacan au-dela des frontières” (Stylus, 2021).

Marcus Coelen

Marcus Coelen is a psychoanalyst in New York and Berlin; faculty at Columbia University; member of Das Unbehagen. 

Bárbara Guatimosim

Psychologue, psychanalyste, membre de l’École des Forums du Champ Lacanien de Belo Horizonte, Brésil. Elle a publié plusieurs articles dans divers revues et collections de psychanalyse. Master et doctorat en études littéraires. Axe de recherche: littérature et psychanalyse.

Constructions du corps:

Le corps, pour tout humain, n’est pas une matière donnée et garantie, mais une construction. La formation narcissique du moi, l’impact réel des pulsions et la rencontre avec le langage étrange de l’Autre sont liés à la constitution du sujet, conséquence d’un lien. Nous entendons, en trois rencontres, faire un dépistage clinique, théorique et littéraire de ces corps et des vicissitudes que subissent leurs constructions.

Cours de six heures divisé en trois mois.

Espace / temps de l’écoute:

Rencontre de deux heures à la fin de chaque mois de la formation qui a pour vocation d’accueillir des questions et remarques liées aux contenus des enseignements et à la formation en générale. La parole sera dans cet espace entendue dans la singularité de chacun, à partir de l’éthique de la psychanalyse. Ces rencontres mensuelles sont ouvertes à la contingence des demandes de ceux qui le désirent.

Bárbara Guatimosim

Bárbara Guatimosim é psicóloga e psicanalista. Membro do Fórum do Campo Lacaniano BH, EPFCL – Brasil, artigos publicados em várias revistas e coletâneas de psicanálise. Mestre e Doutora em Estudos Literários, linha de pesquisa: Literatura e Psicanálise. Participante de iniciativas e movimentos que têm como referência o Discurso analítico e a ética da diferença.

Mônica Godoy

Mônica Godoy, psicóloga, psicanalista e analista ambiental, mestre em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais pela UFMG. Especialista em Resíduos Sólidos, com 30 anos de experiência clínica, e peregrina numa jornada transdisciplinar de escutar com todos os poros.

Fabrice Bourlez

Fabrice Bourlez é psicanalista. Doutor em filosofia, ele ensina na Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims e no Institut d’Etudes Politiques Sciences-Po Paris. É também cotitular da cadeira Troubles, dissidences et esthétiques na Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris

É professor do IIP desde sua criação. Entre suas publicações estão Pulsions Pasoliniennes (Presses du Réel/Franciscopolis, 2015) e Queer Psychanalyse (Hermann, 2018. Traduções: espanhol 2020, italiano 2022).

Ceren Korulsan

Ceren Korulsan é psiquiatra e psicanalista em Istambul, Turquia. Membro do IF- EPFCL assim como membro-fundadora da Association de Psychanalyse en Recherche em Istambul, ela ensina atualmente na universidade de Bahçeşehir no departamento de master em psicologia. Tradutora do livro de Antonio Quinet: La cité et ses maîtres fous. Co-autora do livro intitulado “Lacan au-dela des frontières” (Stylus, 2021).

Joseph Rouzel

Joseph Rouzel trabalhou por muitos anos como educador especializado junto a diversos públicos. Ele é psicanalista e poeta. Graduado em etnologia pela École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Joseph Rouzel dirige o “Institut européen psychanalyse et travail social” (Psychasoc). Participou da criação da associação “Psychanalyse sans frontière” (PSF) e da associação l’@psychanalyse. É membro da Sociedade dos poetas franceses.

Rudy Goubet Bodart

Rudy Goubet Bodart estudou psicologia clínica e etnopsiquiatria e trabalhou em várias instituições no norte da França (centros sociais, hospital geral e atendimento psiquiátrico) antes de se estabelecer como psicanalista na Ásia, em Cingapura.

Uma abordagem psicanalítica da máscara: para uma nova psicopatologia da vida cotidiana?

A situação viral em que o mundo mergulhou há um ano, agora dá a oportunidade de dar uma olhada no objeto que provavelmente melhor simboliza o período atual: a máscara. Em que e como esse objeto, que usamos na pele do rosto e que irrompeu em nosso cotidiano, pode questionar a psicanálise?

Curso de 6 horas em 3 meses

Jalil Bennani

Jalil Bennani é psiquiatra e psicanalista em Rabat (Marrocos). É autor de várias obras, principalmente: Le corps suspect (Galilée, 1980), Psychanalyse en terre d’islam (2018), Un psy dans la cité (prêmio Grand Atlas 2013), Un si long chemin – Paroles de réfugiés au Maroc, (2016), Des djinns à la psychanalyse, nouvelle approche des pratiques traditionnelles et contemporaines.

 Pesquisador associado ao CRPMS da Universidade de Paris, é titular da Habilitation à diriger les recherches (Universidade de Nice Sophia Antipolis). Recebeu, em 2002, o prêmio “Prix Sigmund Freud de la ville de Vienne” pelo conjunto de sua obra.

Benoît Le Bouteiller

Benoît Le Bouteiller, psicanalista, diretor do Instituto Internacional de Psicanálise, editor e professor de pós-graduação em psicanálise da Universidade Unis-MG, Brasil.
Membro da Fondation Européenne pour la Psychanalyse. Membro da Korean Mathematical Society, da Cambridge University Linguistic Society, da European Anthropological Association e da Société Française de Philosophie.