"Ce qu’il me faut bien accentuer, c’est qu’à s’offrir à l’enseignement, le discours analytique amène le psychanalyste à la position du psychanalysant, c'est-à dire à ne produire rien de maîtrisable, malgré l'apparence, sinon au titre de symptôme." Lacan, J., « Allocution sur l’enseignement », Autres écrits, Paris, Seuil 2001, p. 299.
The IIP offers a formation aimed at the entire psychoanalytic community, with no restrictions on lines of thought. It also welcomes those interested in starting this path of personal and collective knowledge in an expanded and original dimension.
Our approach is based on the practice and teachings of psychoanalysis since Freud, specially in Lacan, where an updated, consistent, multidisciplinary and multi-lingual reading of the text is maintained. We promote a collective experience of theoretical formulation based on the debate between different paradigms as we also grant broad accessibility to groups historically excluded from the psychoanalytic field with a view to elaborate on the path towards a decolonial psychoanalysis. We consider continued research to be a relevant aspect of our education.
In our formation we propose studies and readings conducted by 16 professors from different nationalities, origins and formation backgrounds. Our purpose encompasses a broad spectrum of action capable of providing a relevant, comprehensive, in-depth psychoanalytic formation as well as operating in research, the social field and publishing. We also accomplish theoretical intersections with other areas of knowledge: human, social and exact sciences and arts.
Get to know the IIP formation professors.
The new class will start in September 2023. To pre-subscribe, click on the button below:
Concepts and articulations
10 months
This space is thought to work on the theoretical bases that will be used by the other teachers and that according to them are important and necessary for a better understanding of their classes. It is intended to speak rigorously, in a clear and didactic way, of the basic concepts of psychoanalysis, having as a guideline the work of Freud and Lacan.
Professor: Mônica Godoy (Brazil)
Freud, from his texts
10 months
Sigmund Freud is primarily a doctor and researcher specialized in brain anatomy and the nervous system. It is through articles that he will give to hear, from this starting point, the path he draws and which leads to the invention of psychoanalysis. This course offers an immersion in a part of this Freudian adventure. Professors will each seize an article by Freud and will visit it, question it, extract the guidelines, say how this text feeds the clinic, a research in the process of being done, but also say the limits, the errors that mark out, perhaps, the Freudian text
The opening of Lacan's twenty first seminars
10 months
For several decades Jacques Lacan will provide a teaching especially during his Seminar. He will say repeatedly: he does not seek to transmit a knowledge. His seminar is a space for a psychoanalyst to say, in the position of an analysand.
Lacan closes his text “Psychoanalysis and its teaching” with the following words: “A return to Freud, which provides the material for a teaching worthy of the name, can only be produced by the pathway by which the most hidden truth manifests itself in the revolutions of culture. This pathway is the only training that I can claim to transmit to those who follow me. It is called: a style.”
Teaching: insignis in Latin; what is marked with a sign.
What sign and what style is this Seminar about?
To explore these questions, we propose to study rigorously during this year, at each month the first sentence(s) of a seminar. We will start with the first and continue like this, chronologically, until the 10th (for the 1st year) and from the 11th to the 20th (for the 2nd year). This proposal will certainly be the opportunity to trace a possible path within this teaching.
Professor: Benoît Le Bouteiller (France/Brazil)
Decolonizing psychoanalysis
9 months
Would it be to provide a place for voices that were silenced by the history of the psychoanalytic institutions? Or the fact of constructing a critical thinking related to certains postures and theories resulting from the Freudian discovery and its effects? No doubt… We believe this necessary movement can be made through a singular clinical, political and theoretical practice. In this course three psychoanalysts, from three different continents, will provide insights, from different questions, for a possible incarnation of this decolonization.
Professors: Jalil Bennani (Morocco), and Thamy Ayouch (France/Morocco)
Course on suicidism
These classes are linked to the most recent work by Alexandre Baril on the issue of suicide and assisted suicide.
The first session focuses on the failure of suicide prevention services for LGBQ+/trans/non-binary communities and how what he calls suicidism (the oppression experienced by suicidal people through various forms of pathologization, stigma , discrimination, exclusion and incarceration) is combined with heterosexism (homophobia) and cisgenderism (transphobia).
The second session continues this exploration of suicide and assisted suicide. This session focuses on what Alexandre Baril calls a suicide-affirmative approach to assisted suicide, based on trans-affirmative approaches, in order to better support suicidal people in distress..
Professor: Alexandre Baril (Canada)
Minor clinic and the ethics of psychoanalysis
The practice of psychoanalysis requires an ethics on the part of the analyst. To orient oneself in a treatment is to strive not to lose sight of the desire of the subject; it is being able to identify what is most important for the subject and what sustains him; it is knowing how to be silent and knowing why we are intervening. Such ethics cannot be fixed once and for all. It is not to be confused with the precepts of any morality. It is never of the order of a benevolent confession. It is without content.
However, in recent years, on many occasions, psychoanalysts have taken a position in the name of their ethics in issues of society: homosexual marriages, filiations and medically assisted procreation, trans identities… too often, the practice of psychoanalysis has then transformed into a judge and an expert on moralities: psychoanalysis knew, the clinic confirmed and the analyst decided wether good or bad for society.
The course proposes to return to Freud’s political texts: “Totem and taboo”, “Civilization and Its Discontents”, “Beyond the pleasure principle”, “Why war?”, “Group psychology and analysis of the ego”… The objective of this re-reading is twofold: on the one hand, to revive and re-embrace psychoanalytic ethics afresh and, on the other hand, to strive to demonstrate, thanks to so-called “minority” criticisms (those of feminists, of gender and queer studies) to psychoanalysis, the possibility of working in a clinic which would be conjugated in a minor mode.
Professor: Fabrice Bourlez (France)
Construction of clinical case
8 months
The construction of clinical case is a practice that is at the very heart of the history of Freudian discovery. This course is therefore part of this long tradition inseparable from the ethics of psychoanalysis. In this course, each month, one of the professors of the IIP will present in a narrow way a clinical situation resulting from his own analytic practice. It will be for him/her to show and demonstrate the possible construction of the case and extract from it his/hers own invention, between the structure and the singularity. Ample space will be reserved for discussion and debate following this clinical presentation.
Course on suicidism
2 months
These classes are linked to the most recent work by Alexandre Baril on the issue of suicide and assisted suicide.
The first session focuses on the failure of suicide prevention services for LGBQ+/trans/non-binary communities and how what he calls suicidism (the oppression experienced by suicidal people through various forms of pathologization, stigma , discrimination, exclusion and incarceration) is combined with heterosexism (homophobia) and cisgenderism (transphobia).
The second session continues this exploration of suicide and assisted suicide. This session focuses on what Alexandre Baril calls a suicide-affirmative approach to assisted suicide, based on trans-affirmative approaches, in order to better support suicidal people in distress.
Professor: Alexandre Baril (Canada)
Time to listen
10 months
A two-hour session at the end of each month to collect questions and comments regarding the content of the courses and the formation in general. In this space the word will be listened to in the singularity of each one, as from the ethics of psychoanalysis. These monthly meetings are open to the contingency of requests from whoever wishes to do so.
Professor: Yara Castanheira (Brazil/Germany)
Freud, from his texts
10 months
Sigmund Freud is primarily a doctor and researcher specialized in brain anatomy and the nervous system. It is through articles that he will give to hear, from this starting point, the path he draws and which leads to the invention of psychoanalysis. This course offers an immersion in a part of this Freudian adventure. Professors will each seize an article by Freud and will visit it, question it, extract the guidelines, say how this text feeds the clinic, a research in the process of being done, but also say the limits, the errors that mark out, perhaps, the Freudian text.
Professors: Ceren Korulsan (Turkey), Dany Nobus (UK), Joseph Rouzel (France), Judith Butler (USA), Laurie Laufer (France) and Nicolas Tajan (Japan)
The opening of Lacan's twenty first seminars
10 months
For several decades Jacques Lacan provided a teaching, especially during his Seminar. He will say repeatedly: he does not seek to transmit a knowledge. His seminar is a space for a psychoanalyst to say, in the position of an analysand.
Lacan fecha seu texto A psicanálise e seu ensino com as seguintes palavras: “Qualquer retorno a Freud que materialize um ensino digno desse nome, só se produzirá pela via, por onde a verdade mais oculta se manifesta nas revoluções da cultura. Esta via é a única formação que podemos pretender transmitir a quem nos segue. O nome dela é: um estilo”
Lacan closes his text “Psychoanalysis and its teaching” with the following words: “A return to Freud, which provides the material for a teaching worthy of the name, can only be produced by the pathway by which the most hidden truth manifests itself in the revolutions of culture. This pathway is the only training that I can claim to transmit to those who follow me. It is called: a style.”
Teaching: insignis in Latin; what is marked with a sign.
What sign and what style is this Seminar about?
To explore these questions, we propose to study rigorously during this year, at each month the first sentence(s) of a seminar. We will start with the first and continue like this, chronologically, until the 10th (for the 1st year) and from the 11th to the 20th (for the 2nd year). This proposal will certainly be the opportunity to trace a possible path within this teaching.
Professor: Benoît Le Bouteiller (France/Brazil)
Course on the psychic structures (neurosis - psychosis - autism)
9 months
Neurosis and psychosis
What is it really about when we think of structures on the 21st century?
Mônica Godoy and Fabrice Bourlez will approach the concepts of neurosis and psychosis in light of exciting theoretical and clinical perspectives.
The idea is to make a sewing between theory and practice, with the students, bringing forward the comprehension of ethics from within Psychoanalysis.
Professors: Fabrice Bourlez (France) and Mônica Godoy (Brazil)
In this course we’ll address autism with directly concerned people. We’ll try to say what is known today about this specter, far from cliches, prejudices, dogmatic positions. We’ll depart from personal, individual experiences, from experiences of mediation workshops, from clinical experiences. We’ll try to elaborate on how a psychoanalyst can play a role with an autistic person, with humility, without having as a compass, as it’s too often, unfounded beliefs and neurocapacitist aprioris.
Construction of clinical case
8 months
The construction of clinical case is a practice that is at the very heart of the history of Freudian discovery. This course is therefore part of this long tradition inseparable from the ethics of psychoanalysis. In this course, each month, one of the professors of the IIP will present in a narrow way a clinical situation resulting from his own analytic practice. It will be for him/her to show and demonstrate the possible construction of the case and extract from it his/hers own invention, between the structure and the singularity. Ample space will be reserved for discussion and debate following this clinical presentation.
Decolonizing psychoanalysis
4 months
Course on suicidism
These classes are linked to the most recent work by Alexandre Baril on the issue of suicide and assisted suicide.
The first session focuses on the failure of suicide prevention services for LGBQ+/trans/non-binary communities and how what he calls suicidism (the oppression experienced by suicidal people through various forms of pathologization, stigma , discrimination, exclusion and incarceration) is combined with heterosexism (homophobia) and cisgenderism (transphobia).
The second session continues this exploration of suicide and assisted suicide. This session focuses on what Alexandre Baril calls a suicide-affirmative approach to assisted suicide, based on trans-affirmative approaches, in order to better support suicidal people in distress..
Professor: Alexandre Baril (Canada)
Minor clinic and the ethics of psychoanalysis
The practice of psychoanalysis requires an ethics on the part of the analyst. To orient oneself in a treatment is to strive not to lose sight of the desire of the subject; it is being able to identify what is most important for the subject and what sustains him; it is knowing how to be silent and knowing why we are intervening. Such ethics cannot be fixed once and for all. It is not to be confused with the precepts of any morality. It is never of the order of a benevolent confession. It is without content.
However, in recent years, on many occasions, psychoanalysts have taken a position in the name of their ethics in issues of society: homosexual marriages, filiations and medically assisted procreation, trans identities… too often, the practice of psychoanalysis has then transformed into a judge and an expert on moralities: psychoanalysis knew, the clinic confirmed and the analyst decided wether good or bad for society.
The course proposes to return to Freud’s political texts: “Totem and taboo”, “Civilization and Its Discontents”, “Beyond the pleasure principle”, “Why war?”, “Group psychology and analysis of the ego”… The objective of this re-reading is twofold: on the one hand, to revive and re-embrace psychoanalytic ethics afresh and, on the other hand, to strive to demonstrate, thanks to so-called “minority” criticisms (those of feminists, of gender and queer studies) to psychoanalysis, the possibility of working in a clinic which would be conjugated in a minor mode.
Professor: Fabrice Bourlez (France)
Time to listen
10 months
A two-hour session at the end of each month to collect questions and comments regarding the content of the courses and the formation in general. In this space the word will be listened to in the singularity of each one, as from the ethics of psychoanalysis. These monthly meetings are open to the contingency of requests from whoever wishes to do so.
Professor: Hugo Valente (Brazil)